Monday, July 15, 2019


"It is impossible that anyone should not receive all that he has believed and hoped to obtain; it gives Me great pleasure when men hope great things from Me and I will always grant them more than they expect."
-Jesus to Saint Gertrude

True, true, head injured peepow dont think
RITE all-the-time... yet, what I did win over-
whelms what I lost:

Seventh-Heaven WHEN
Im actually in Seventh-Heaven:

I mountain bike several-hundred-miles to a studio high in the mountains where seven young women, all gorgeous knockouts, all highly trained, professional painters are living presently;

Those adorable, young things paint moi, aussi on a cowch with a Polo, a tie and a hint of aftershave, taking a few hours, throwing out, re-focusing, starting over.

To love and to serve with joy every delicious, irresistable, intoxicating, wild-fire-female all at once, in every corner of the universe, would be quite physically impossible... so here's whot I did to envelop the elaborate, the endless, daunting expression of the extraordinary:

I whisper to them after they're done,
'Wanna catalyze the insane now?'

They just smile at me, swiftly realizing.

'How many do you have?' pointing at the first, tall, thin, gorgeous girly in influencial braids.

'About fiveish.'
She giggled,
perceiving the

'Then, take fiveish and go, populate the universe,' as I jumped-off the canvas into her most loving arms. 'The refuse, dear,' pointing with priceless, primordial passion.

Though I dont seem like it sometimes,

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